STARS - 2015
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Run-time Adaptation of Video Systems

Participants : Sabine Moisan, Jean-Paul Rigault, François Brémond.

In the framework of our research on model engineering techniques for video-surveillance systems, we have focused this year on run-time reconfiguration of such systems. The goal is to follow the “model at run-time” approach and to obtain context-aware self-adaptive video systems. In this approach models are kept and used at run-time. In our case, these models describe all the possible run-time configurations. They are specified using Feature Models.

Run-time reconfiguration means to react to context changes by tuning, adding, removing, or replacing components of the video chain, and possibly changing the chain itself.

So far, we have defined a run-time architecture consisting of three layers. The lower level describes the video analysis components and the context events. The upper one handles feature model adaptation. The middle layer is an adapter: it transforms lower level context event occurrences into upper level feature reconfiguration; in the other direction, it transforms the corresponding feature reconfigurations into video components reconfigurations.

This year we focused on the upper layer. We first formalized the run-time feature reconfiguration rules. First, any reconfiguration should respect the semantics of feature models and their attached constraints. Second, the reconfiguration should satisfy the requests from the middle layer, essentially selections and deselections of features. From there two requirements, we identified three possible outcomes: successful reconfiguration, impossible reconfiguration (selection/deselection conflicts), and “undefined” reconfiguration (not enough information to get through the process). We also determined the actions to take in these cases. In particular, in the last two cases, we decided to let the component configuration unchanged.

To implement this upper layer, we first attempted to rely on an existing feature model manipulation framework, namely FAMILIAR  [45] . However, this approach suffers from a number of drawbacks. First, FAMILIAR is a standalone Java program, whereas the rest of the system is written in C++, for performance reasons and library availability. Hence, using FAMILIAR implies superfluous back and forth inter-module communications and data transformations. Second, we confirmed that FAMILIAR is more a system deployment tool than a run-time reconfiguration one. In particular it cannot fulfill all the reconfiguration rules that we have formalized. Therefore, we are completing a full re-implementation of the upper layer.

The programming language homogeneity permits a more efficient integration of the three layers. It particular, it becomes easier to incorporate our extensions to feature models such as quality metrics [34] .